I’m a graphic designer and art director from Beirut based in New York. I currently work as a Visual Editor for The New York Times.

This website hasn’t been updated in a while! Most recent work can be found HERE.


For collaborations and freelance work:

For promotional work and portfolio review requests:


“The Year Etel Adnan Left Us for AIGA Eye on Design; The One Club Young Guns 18 (interview); MagCulture on the Beirut special issue of The Smudge; Elephant Magazine, People of Print and Print Mag on Beirut Editions; “Design For and From Communities” for AIGA Eye on Design; Stack Magazines and MagCulture on Journal Safar; Society of Publication Designers (interview); L’Officiel Levant (interview); Dispatches from Beirut for AIGA Eye on Design; SVA Alumni Spotlight (interview); L’Orient le Jour (feature); “Meet The People Shaping Beirut’s Creative Future” by It's Nice That; Design Week on AIGA Eye on Design’s pilot issue.


Talks + Jury:
Society of News Design (judge, print news design, March 2022); Latin American Design (judge, editorial design, March 2022); Pratt Institute, BFA Illustration (Guest critic, Nov. 2021); Society of Publication Designers (Illustration portfolio review, July 2020); Center for Book Arts, Arab type seminar (speaker, March 2020); Society of Illustrators (Guest judge, Feb. 2020); Pratt Institute, BFA Graphic Design (Visiting designer, Oct. 2019); Parsons School of Design, BFA Communication Design program Lecture Series (Speaker, Sept. 2019); MICA MFA Design (Workshop, July 2019); Buzzfeed Design Club (Speaker, June 2019); Society of Publication Designers (Guest judge, March 2019); Toast International Design Festival at MICA (Speaker, Baltimore, Feb 2019); Parsons School of Design (Guest critic, 2019); TUMO Center for Creative Technologies (Lab leader, Yerevan, March 2016); AIGA Middle East Morning Toast (Speaker, Beirut, 2016)


MFA Design, School of Visual Arts (NYC, 2018)
BFA Graphic Design, American University of Beirut (Beirut, 2013)


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